Thursday, June 3, 2010

Graduation Speech

I am Becky Chen, and I come from Taiwan. I picked “Becky” as my English name due to my favorite main character in the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, written by Mark Twain. Tom is a brave and clever boy, and Becky is Tom’s little girlfriend. That’s why I chose the Becky. As in Tom’s story, to challenge something new, I have an essential choice in my life.

Four years ago, in order to give my children a better education, I gave up current job and followed my husband to be a new immigrant of America. As a housewife, I supported my children going to a new school and taking care of them till they grew up to be teenagers. One year ago, when I signed up for ESL class and became a student again, I felt excited.

In fact, I very much enjoy lifelong learning and studying English. I appreciate that America provides adults who live in this country inexpensive English education-even free. Through studying to improve my English, I could communicate effectively in daily life, and give my children more. After wards, I probably will have am opportunity to get a good job in America as in Taiwan. But now, I will go to the high school program after my graduation, as well as learning more.

This semester, I have fortunately been studying in Ms. Perez’s class. She is an absolutely excellent teacher. She teaches us how to write an essay, how to prepare a presentation, how to speak clearly, put the right punctuation…and a lot of things which I can’t calculate. She also gives us the spelling tests, pushes and encourages us to try our best to improve. She is patient and never tires teaching us. I suppose if I have more confidence with English in such a short time that is because of her efforts.

Finally, I express thanks for many people including teachers, staffs as well as classmates. There are Ms. Perez, Mr. Coburn, Mr. Perez, Mr. Ken, Mr. Campbell, my friendly classmates, and others who teach me or give me a hand. I value their efforts and would like to say, “Thanks so much.”

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