Tuesday, June 1, 2010

People Buy Too Many Things

In this generation, there are many, many products in our surroundings. Everywhere, you can see the words "on sale". Internet websites are also increasing that try to get people to buy things. Little by little, shopping has become a bad habit in developing countries as well as in developed countries. People buy anything which they can offer, but not because they are useful or necessary.

Typical examples include women who pay for a lot of clothes, shoes, and handbags that pile their wardrobes because of fashion or sales. If you observed and thought carefully, you would found it ridiculous that many objects you have bought have never been worn. Eventually, you throw them away or put them out for recycling, even new ones.

Also, people purchase too much food for them to eat it all. Apparently, many people have experience with that. Much food is wasted from stores or refrigerators of families due to their expiring or no longer being fresh. We are used to buying too much food, but are lacking in food management.

Now, most teenagers own personal computers just for playing games or chatting with friends online. With technology, more individual products, like iphones, DS's, and ipods, are attractive to buyers, especially young people. They never seem satisfied and continue to obtain anything that stores display, even if it is mot necessary.

There is a lot of pressure from advertisements to buy things that we don't need, so before I take something, I always ask:"Do I really need this?" Learning how to buy, what you need to buy is an important lesson.

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