Thursday, September 17, 2009

The America dream

I had a girlfriend who was my sister in Christ. She followed her husband and son coming to the United States, because communist destroying China in the 1980's.

She settled in California but she didn't even know any single letter of English. She hired herself to a house cleaner to earn money. Her husband became a handyman. They worked very hard, maybe 10 to 12 hours a day in the first ten years, in order to give her son good education.

Now her son grew up, had his own car material company and got married in May of this year. Now she got life better and had her own house and car. She gave thanks for God's mercy.

I haven't ever experienced living in communism community because I was lucky being born in Taiwan. I just wanted to learn English well, so I could travel all over the United States, maybe also the other countries which speak in English.

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