Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Different Life

I hadn't ever thought about immigration when I got married to my husband in Taipei. I was a single mother before I got remarried. I loved my son, whose name was Shawn, very deeply. I kept accompanying Shawn, who studied in Taipei, and never thought about marriage again, while my ex-husband left and went to the continent of China. At that time I had a good job in Taiwan Fire and Marine Insurance Inc. and a good fellowship in the church of Tamsui . I was always with Shawn in his childhood, except when working. Then work colleague, Mark, who was a single father and very much loved his children, asked me to marry to him. I thought he was a good father, and so could be a good husband. I agreed to marry to him since I had been divorce for 7 years. After we married, we had a good time in Taipei for about two years. One day Mark asked me to immigrate to the United States and was seeking my support. I thought long and hard before coming to decision. I thought the education of my biological son and two stepchildren. I thought about my job, my elderly parents, young sister and a lot of my friends. I struggled to make up my mind because Shawn needing to stay in Taipei with his grandfather and grandmother. I endured being apart from my original family to follow my husband to CA. God has blessed me, I feel good so far, because Shawn spends all the summers with us every year. My parents visited us last year and plan visiting us again next year. Finally, I have a big world and a different life.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why couples stay together

I hadn't yet met either my father-in-law or mother-in-law when I got married to my husband in Taipei 2004, because at that time, my mother-in-law had died and my father in law was seriously sick. Later I visited their resting places at Rose Hill, when I came to CA in July, 2006.
According to my husband, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were married for sixty years until mother died at age 78. My mother-in-law was a Christian, but my father-in-law wasn't. My mother-in-law loved her husband very deeply. She always wished my father-in-law would become a Christian. During the war, she, who was a rich and educated lady, followed her husband, who was a poor soldier, to go to Taiwan from the China continent. Through this time of difficulty, they had six children who gave them happiness. Mother brought up their children when her husband worked and needed to be away from home.
Time passed, the children grew up. Father and Mother settled in Los Angels in 1986 when father retired. Mother had said " I am the happiest those last twenty years of my life, because I live together with my husband." Father lacked self-control in gambling and lustiness. Mother was always patient and tolerated him. When mother died father asked to be baptized a Christian which was mother only wish. Father in law died at age 86 in 2005 and was laid to resting the same burial site at Rose Hill with mother. To the end of his life, he always remembered the love of his wife.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A letter of advice to Kenji

Hey Kenji:
It is not point to get Kathy back if you cannot deal with your emotion. Love is not self-seeking. If you really love her, instead of pitying yourself, why don't you keep your love and actions and wait for her answer. However, you shouldn't be impatient. Give time for each of you to get over it, because you hurt her first and you need to face your inside emotional problem. The point is about being the right kind of person, not about finding the right person. When you are the right kind of person, you will have a much better opportunity of getting Kathy back.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The nine personal qualities

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; all of them are important in a person. But I understand love to be the most essential of all. According to 1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal." Last week learned about committed love which was so touched my heart from teacher Mr. Co burn, since my husband and I had fought a couple of days. After wards when I went home that days, I changed my mind to serve him again. He was happy, and I was happy too.
I also think self-control is another important characteristic. Everybody needs a certain a mount of money, property, power, gifts, freedom, wealth, and so on. But if you cannot practice self-control in everything, you cannot have lasting satisfaction. I believe a lot of people who live in Taiwan have learned the lesson from president Mr. Chen.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Disasters; including hurricane, mudslide, avalanche, earthquake, volcano, tidal wave and locust plague; these are natural disasters. Not only earthquake in Taiwan, September 21 in 1999, but also the terrorist attack in New York, September 11 in 2001 was terrible disaster. The fault caused the earthquake and the terrorist attack by the man-made. According my understanding, the world's worst disaster was the Second World War which caused a lot of people die.

A Serious Illness or Injury

During my childhood, tonsillitis always bothered me. I usually got a sore throat four times or more every year. I remember when I studied in high school, I was absent for one week because of fever due to tonsillitis. At that time my sore throat turned from red to white, which was a painful experience before my complete recovery.
A few years later, one day I felt a sore throat again while I was a freshman at the university. I went to see the doctor at the dispensary, and told him about my stories of tonsillitis. After a minute he said, "Drink more water; that is the only way to prevent it.” Later, when I followed his instructions, I seldom got a sore throat, even until now.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why Read

"Reading makes a Full man." said Francis Bacon. He was really a wise man who told about reading that it was important and very exact. Through reading, you understand about people, arts, sciences, history, geography and many different things. Reading is a good way to increase your general knowledge. I am interested in reading about famous people. I had read a story about John Alden, which inspired me in every day . And I also read about Jesus in the Bible that encouraged me to do something good. So today I check out a book which is about a person whose name is Agatha Christie. The title is "Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery." I will enjoy reading it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The America dream

I had a girlfriend who was my sister in Christ. She followed her husband and son coming to the United States, because communist destroying China in the 1980's.

She settled in California but she didn't even know any single letter of English. She hired herself to a house cleaner to earn money. Her husband became a handyman. They worked very hard, maybe 10 to 12 hours a day in the first ten years, in order to give her son good education.

Now her son grew up, had his own car material company and got married in May of this year. Now she got life better and had her own house and car. She gave thanks for God's mercy.

I haven't ever experienced living in communism community because I was lucky being born in Taiwan. I just wanted to learn English well, so I could travel all over the United States, maybe also the other countries which speak in English.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


It is different, great, and fun this summer. I started to play piano and went to adult school to study English. I was very excited every day because I had a lot of classmates who could be my new friends. Then my biological son, Shawn visited me from Taiwan and spent all the summer with me which let me joy and happiness. When the class ended in August 13, my husband drove car with me taking 3 children to go to vacation. We went to Yosemite National Park and met a lot of huge trees, Redwood, which we hadn't ever seen. It's amazing for God's creature. Children relaxed and enjoyed the hotel life, swimming, talking, playing and barbecues. My husband and I were very tired but the teenagers were very fun.